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Danielle Perryman, M.S.

Thanks for visiting! Here you’ll find my professional experience and skills.  Have a look through all the information I’ve provided here, and contact me directly to learn more.


Twitter: @dcperryman

Home: Welcome

Why I Wander Through the Woods

As a child, I would always watch nature shows and poke interesting things with sticks. I was curious about nature, animals, plants, and all of their intricacies which made them unique. Fortunately for me, there is actually a career which lets me wander around outside and ask every question I have about the environment. I've come to love academia as it gives me the opportunity to explore and learn while also giving me the opportunity to help others get interested in a field I'm insanely passionate about. Through community service, research, and outreach I've shared my passion with other kids (and adults) who love to walk outside and poke at things. I look forward to spending the rest of my career continuing to do so.

Home: Personal Statement
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Career Summary

I started out as a science aide at 10 years old then moved on to a science and engineering camp in junior high. In high school I was a leader in BioSITE, a program which let me teach kids from the elementary school I attended. In college I began to learn the techniques used to monitor and manage environments, which led to my graduate career where I've started to apply them. I attended Oklahoma State University (2014-2017) where I completed my M.S. in Integrative Biology. My paper on this research is currently in review. I'm now a PhD candidate at UC Berkeley working on topics in Environmental Science.

Home: About

Work Experience

Berkeley Connect Fellow

August 2021 - Present

Graduate Instructor

January 2019 - December 2020

Program Coordinator, STEMentors Silicon Valley

September 2017 - November 2018

Bridge to the Doctorate Fellow

June 2015 - October 2016

Staff Ornithologist

June 2017 - August 2017

Graduate Teaching Assistant

October 2016 - May 2017, August 2014 - May 2015

Home: Experience


White-throated Thrush

Animal Handling

Bird bleeding and morphometrics. Also experienced with husbandry of reptiles and mammals.


Conservation and Management Techniques

Habitat Assessment, ArcGis, R


Lab Techniques

CORT Assay, Lab Safety, Volunteer management in these settings


Community Engagement and Grant Writing

My passion and favorite pastime. Please see my CV and LinkedIn for additional details.

Home: Skills

Educational Experience

PhD Candidate, University of California, Berkeley

January 2019 - Present

Environmental Science, Policy. and Management

M.S., Oklahoma State University


Integrative Biology

B.S., San Jose State University


Biological Sciences with a Concentration in Conservation and Organismal Biology

Home: Education


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Cabo Blanco Absolute Reserve
Beaches of Cabo Blanco
Cloud Forest
Sunset in Cabo Blanco Reserve
What a grand canyon, eh_
Cusuco National Park
Wittle weevil
Male Violet Sabrewing
Female Violet Sabrewing
Skies over New Mexico
This little bugger
Slate-colored Solitaire!
San Pedro Sula
The Nightingale Wren
White-throated Thrush
White-throated Thrush
We named him Kevin
Home: Photo Gallery

"Do one thing everyday that scares you."

Green-throated Mountain Gem
Home: Quote

Contact Me

Please get in touch to find out more!

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©2018 by Danielle Clarís Perryman.

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